Meet Ms. J

Jelani Asantewa

Chief, Cook and Bottle Washer


This is me cleaned up! One of the rare occasion when I was not fresh off an art hike or excavation. Planting  nursery stock and dinner seeds. Foraging nettles. Or sitting on a log pondering life and drawing inspiration from beautiful clouds as they roll by.          All of which I love to do.

Ms J's Mountain ~ MEET THE STAFF

Meet Our Hospitality Staff

Mr. LT

Lead Troll 

Keeps all department on their toes. makes sure that your shopping visit and buying experience is one you will forever and ever fondly remember.

We love visitors.

Mr. GT

Gardening Troll

Gardening educator Supervisor and garden aquisition.aquisirion planting.


Art Troll

Ms. BT

Merchandising Troll

Ms. BT loves to buy things. T She is a natural born shopper. She has a discerning eye for all things bright and shiny. With an advanced degree in Thrifting and Crafting she is always on top of finding exiting, eclectic and fascinating treasures that will .

she loves a gppd buting adventure and wants to provide one for you.



Meet Our Cartoonist

Mr. Sai

Cartoonist and Patron

Mr. Sai is always hard at work creating his own    exciting adventures, but he is never to busy to          lend a hand on the mountain. We mountain      dwellers are very appreciative and thank him               for graciously lending his talents to making our mountain community visible to all.

Meet Our Weatherman

Mr. Wm


Mr. Wm is an invaluable member of the team. He faithfully and strategically comes out every spring to let us know that the planting season is officially starting. He then dutifully signals the season's end by abruptly disappearing    to wherever it is he goes. His signal that fall is upon us and that it is time to put  the garden to sleep and  concentrate on the art department whimseys.

            He's also very cute to look at!