There will be no earthy, flittering, floating or flying of words here. No CV. Not even any rhyme nor reason espousing my technique. I will talk inspiration, because there is no art without inspiration. What you will find here is the whimsical, musings of an artist that is way to fascinated with way to many forms of art. There are so many interesting art forms to experience and I enjoy dabbling in as many as I can.

I find art magical. It is a chance to step into other worlds, real and imaginary.

With that said I create as whimsey calls. I never know what will spark my imagination on any given day, a branch, a stone, a piece of fabric, an old piece of furniture, or a new artform I discover while exploring the internet. It's all great fun and very energizing. 

Below you will find some of my artistic adventures. These are staples in my creative home. I love to try new things but these are the artforms and materials that I always gravitate around.

Follow me on eBay and Etsy to see what current projects that the cat has dragged into my artistic chambers and enticed me to happily create. Or, visit New Stuff located in the Inn & Café section of this site, to see current works.

Click on the photos to enlarge.


I love working with stone. To me each stone or rock I find id as precious as a diamond. Each has it's own beautiful shape, characteristics and personality. When I pickup a stone I contemplate it's history. . . Where did it come from, how was it formed, how old is it, has anyone else ever touched it. What caused it to take on it's particular shape. Just somethings to think about.


I love working with all types of wood. Whether it be freshly cut or distressed from aging, wood always holds an inspirational force that calls to me. 

  • Fallen Forest Wood is another medium which brings me lots of inspiration and pleasure. For me a really fun walk consist of searching the ground for interesting pieces of fallen tree mater. When finally my eyes fall upon that special piece, whether it be a uniquely quirky or structurally magnificent piece . . . it is like finding hidden treasure. 
  • Destressed barn wood and wood building materials also hold a wonderful ambiance and fascinating story.    A story wrapped in the mystery of its day to day life gone by. A hidden history worth telling if only we could see..  ( If the walls could talk kind of thing ).

Functional Art

Functional art holds a special place in my heart. Creating art that can be useful in everyday life, while  also showcasing the wonder and beauty of natures hidden treasures gives me great satisfaction. It allows me the opportunity to promote ecology and hopefully get people to see the beauty in nature that usually goes overlooked or unappreciated. 

Land Art and Cairns

EPHEMERAL ART is art that is made to be unmade. It is made in places and with materials that will eventually, in all their beauty, succumb to nature's natural forces; sun, wind, rain, human or animal destruction. this art can take many forms, land art and Cairns are two of those forms.

  • LAND ART is the art of creating pictures, statues or structures out of naturally sourced materials. Materials that are found in the landscaper in which the art piece is to be constructed or designed. 
  • CAIRNS is art made by stacking and/or balancing rocks atop each other to form interesting statues or structures. No adhesives are used when assembling this artwork.


Years ago I stumbled upon a section of the internet that featured Land Art. I had never heard the name Land Art. I had seen it before, but did not have a name for it. The works I had seen were magnificent. They were breath taking, grandiose and physically intense. Works that seemed magical and daunting to create. Then I stumbled upon an elegantly delicate small scale creation, It used natural materials that I had access to and that were aesthetically pleasurable to me. it was a size that I could execute. I was hooked.


I found my love of Cairns in much the same scenario that I fell in love with Land Art. I don't get to try my rock staking skills as often as I would like. However, when I do get the chance to practice and I create a statue that stands, I am thrilled.   

I find the fleeting lifespan of land art and Cairns alluring. it's original beauty can be caught only with photography. It is not permanent. As in real life it faithfully fades away and becomes part of nature's scenery once again. 

                   FABRIC and NATURAL FIBERS

Pen and Ink